Thursday, December 11, 2008

Now Available ….Invisalign for Teens!

Many adults have enjoyed the benefits of Invisible Braces, also known as Invisalign. Invisalign Treatment, for those of you who are not familiar with them, are clear, removable braces that move your teeth without the use of fixed metal or ceramic braces and wires on your teeth. They are worn 22 hours per day and removed for eating and brushing your teeth. They are very easy to wear , comfortable and best of all removable so patients can continue to eat all their favorite foods and brushing and flossing are routine.

Many teens have requested Invisalign and now it is available! There are several new additions to the aligners that help with tracking compliance (ie…wearing of the aligners 22 hours per day) and built in features to compensate for teeth that are not fully erupted yet. The benefits of improved oral hygiene, no broken or loose brackets and no dietary restrictions, make Invisalign Teen a good choice for many patients.

Many parents will also be happy to find out that the investment for Invisalign is similar to that of clear braces. Call our office at 916-435-8000 or 530-432-3483 and set up a complimentary consultation to find out if Invisalign is the right choice for your Teen.

*** Check out our website at: to learn more about Invisalign

The Importance of Lifetime Retainer Wear

The question always comes up...Doctor how long do I need to wear my retainers? The correct answer is forever. Really Doctor? Yes it is true! A very large research study was done by the University of Washington in the early 90's. They looked at all the treated Orthodontic cases in the clinic, thousands of patients. They wanted to see how well the teeth stayed straight after the braces were removed. Their findings are the basis of the the current retention protocol.

They discovered that the patients that had the straightest teeth also had retainers that they were consistently wearing. That was the number one reason for their straight teeth...continued and consistent retainer wear. It did not matter whether you had third molars removed, or other teeth removed. Some of the patients only wore their retainers 1 time a week and had very straight teeth. Others found that they needed 2 to 3 times a week of wearing their retainers to keep their teeth straight.

Bottom line...retainers are a very important part of the success in keeping your smile as beautiful and your teeth as straight as possible for your lifetime. Please feel free to ask any of our staff or our Doctors about the importance of retainers! Also, starting in 2009, Cater Galante Orthodontics will be offering a retainer insurance program so that you can get a new set of retainers every year at a discounted price along with bleaching gel.